Sunday, April 26, 2009


Watching Criminal Minds Season 4: The Masterpiece, and interesting came up. The Golden Ratio. In the movie the person claimed that he was a serial killer and a genius found out he killed based on the shape of the golden ratio. I'm sure most are blurred by this thing called the golden ratio. 

In mathematics and the arts, two quantities are in the golden ratio if the ratio between the sum of those quantities and the larger one is the same as the ratio between the larger one and the smaller. The golden ratio is an irrational mathematical constant, approximately 1.6180339887.

At least since the Renaissance, many artists and architects have proportioned their works to approximate the golden ratio—especially in the form of the golden rectangle, in which the ratio of the longer side to the shorter is the golden ratio—believing this proportion to be aestheticallypleasing. Mathematicians have studied the golden ratio because of its unique and interesting properties.

The golden ratio is often denoted by the Greek letter phi (Φ or φ). The figure of a golden section illustrates the geometric relationship that defines this constant. Expressed algebraically:

Friday, April 24, 2009

Meet The Hamsters!!!

"Cool, a hamster in the drain:,said Graham to his friends. They, Law, Mike, Chua, Eric....not too sure who else..sorry if I forogt..haha....decided to catch. Contemplating on where to put the hamster, they decided, the not so old aquarium in my room was a perfect spot.

This hamster still unnamed till today shall be known as, the Brown hamster. This is about the first.

Then Kuhan comes back from KL and say,"Lonely la the thing. Come go get another one". That's where the second hamster comes in. Now it is better known as the black hamster.

There has been many layouts to the living space of these two hamsters. Utilising an aquarium, toilet rolls, parts from a cage, used bottles and mineral bottles. All these because the hamster had run out of the cage many times before. The brown hamster actually survived a whole week in the room. That's for the two.

Here come fatso! The third hamsters a pig.

Well it's not mine. It's actually a visiting hamster. Afiq, PE guy from a few doors away is leaving his hamster for a few days or weeks in my room as his female hamster is pregnanet and fears two might be a problem when one of it gives birth. Since fatso came, brown and black were separated. Black with fatso and brown in a blue cage. Brown is of different spesis and is not so playable by humans . Haha.

Everybody shouldn get pets like hamsters. They like to play with each other.


Play with people.

You can even charge visitors for photos.