Then had mail to take from the mail office. Urgent. "Maaf, kami nak tutup sudah pergi sembahyang." Damn! Reached the door of the mail office and the guy standing there told me this. Was there asking him to let me get the mail explaining it only takes 2 minutes to take it there and then but like a long long time for me to come back and take, Well actually wasted a longer time asking him to let me take it then how much time it would have taken for him to just give me the mail. The amount of equipment we eneded up using although there were still a few not included in the picture. Other groups used much less.
So the story of the Geomatics lab continues. Since tomorrow is the first day of Ramadhan, lab is cancelled. So is everyone lab session during the Ramadhan period except those on next friday. Guess what, had to do GPS this afternoon meaning skipping moral class. The afternoon lab starts at 4.30 according to the sheet of paper outside the lab. Apparently there was a verbal announcement that lab had changed to 3. So I was late for lab after taking my mail at 4.10. Anyhows, it was GPS and actually got the results . Haha. A 45 minute lab. Cool.Here's some pictures from geomatics lab.
Besides that another interesting lab would be geology. Rocks and minerals everyday. Haha.
That marked the end of labs, lectures and tutorials for this week. A relief. This week felt busy. With a bunch of classes and some meetings here and there. Had 6 hours of Geomatics lecture and I thought I was going to have 12 hours of Geomatics lab. Phew! Bookfair is just around the corner too so there were a few things there but mostly Kalai took care of them. There were a few days this week that started at 8 or 9 and ended at 5 and also those that ended at 10p.m. It's unhealthy to have let's say, 9 hours of class a day?
So been relaxing the whole evening. Academia pushed aside. Grabbed a bottle of Mister Potato and a bottle of yoghurt drinks and watched Se7en, Cool movie. Storyline of a serial killer killing using the seven deadly sins of men as his motive. Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Pride, Envy, Wrath and... somehow always short of one when I recall. Cool movie seriously Everyone should watch it.
Haven't updated this blog for ages now. Haha. There's a few things and photos to share. Firstly of a camera. Olympus UZ590sp. oO.
Worth taking a look. 26x digital zoom and lots more other cool features including face detection up to 16 faces and a 10fps (3MP) pre-capture technology. Then there's this super cool casio watch. Was planning to get these sometime not too far in the future but then, a few trip plans came up. Nearest in time, to Ca,erons on the 5th. Then there's the great Raya Trip. Haha. Then there's a trip to Aus next June. Then Sandeep has told of possibly a Rotaract trip to India. OMG. Haha. Time to save.Being broke before the trips is not an option. Being broke after might be. Haha.
Anyways. this weekend will be involved in the 30 hour famine programme.
In laymen's term, 30 hour diet as a shoutout against world hunger. Still not sure how tens of thousands of people starving themselves for 30 hours would help those whore are actually starving.
Anyways, on Sunday will go together with other participants to Bukit Jalil. Yay! Guang liang coming. Woohoo. Then the rest I do not know. Taiwanese artists.
Oh yeah, my Civil batch had a google group. Cool thing this google group service by google. Practicallity at it's best. The coolest discussion with hundreds of reply was for the design of a batch t-shirt. Two thumbs up to Mesol for a great design.
I would give myself three thumbs up for the editing of it but looks like most going for the non-edited version. Haha.
Don't know how much printing costs will total up to but I guess a lot cause we have a tonne of things to print on the shirt including a name and number. So three t-shirts to look forward to. One famine, bookfair and batch t-shirt. Also, my Chindian batch also has a Google group and a facebook profile. Wow!
Somewhere sometime in the week there was Chua's birthday too. We had Pizza. Here's a picture of him withe the overloaded salad bowl.
My printer is back to life too. It was just the cable which had a problem.