Saturday, July 18, 2009


The norm post for the day before the semester starts. Everyone who's anyone who has a blog surely has this post. A post for the day before the start of semester. Finally got a timetable done. I mean I had but there were changes.

Looks ok. 18 credit hours for this semester. The same as the last I guess. Last semester was a bust. Now have to reassess. I guess pre-lecture preparations would come in very handy as well as pre lab. Have six subjects this semester but four of which has at a two hour lab with Geomatics having a four hour lab. The white spaces are time with no classes.
Anyways this semester there are 3 goals to achieve. Not going to elaborate.Actually went to the library on Friday. First time going to the IRC before semester starts. Officially retiring from Dota, DC. Having oats for breakfast skipping lunch. Cooking on weekends. Learning mandarin . All these are some efforts for the 3 goals ;)