Thursday, October 22, 2009


All in one stand alone ! That's the idea of the night. What it has to do with is another thing. Not going to share it online. Going to crack it before anyone else does and going to sell it to GARMIN. Told some. One guy didn't seem to see the practical application of it or why it's better than those already existing.

Not a bad choice....

Saw in Vyner's blog, "can I die and live again as another person?". Not the first time the thought struck me. To live as another person I never would imagine. Maybe I would just look different but then I guess living as another person just isn't too much fun. But I have thought about being born as another being though.

My number one choice. Analyze the life of a housefly. You have a short carefree life. First you're hatched as a maggot. You'll practically eat anything . When you reach adult flyhood life gets better. You get to fly around all day long and stop by for food or anything whenever you want to. Even shit smells good. What could seem negative in such a life that it would make you sad?

In the event of a fly swatter, well death is almost instant. :)

Orang utan.
This one hit me when I went to Semenggoh with friends the last sem break. Haha. You're moved into a sanctuary where no one is to harm you. Everyday someone provides you with food. ON top of that, every year ten of thousands of people come by to watch you hang by the vines. That's cool XD

Just the two creatures I would want to be. HAHA. Anyways if things like reincarnation doesn't exist or is not necessary then I would choose to be an angel ... cause i'm an angelic person.
Just felt the need to crap here since my sleep was disrupted and thus...I have a bit of free time.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

No stamps required!

Class starts at 12 today and so the feeling of going to bed isn't here just yet. Thought of changing the outlook of my blog. Though still quite similar but just something to make you feel as though you've entered another space on the net.

So found this picture, a picture of the box containing my suit and shoes which was posted here not too long ago. It makes a good header and thus new name and description for the blog. A blog I guess is for leisure bloggers just some place you would dump things which you want to share with people but no one in specific. In the blog, you don't need a stamp. And yeah, it's like putting your thoughts in text and posting it to the blog. Unless your the too free to do anything else blogger than I'm not too sure what's your blog for. :)

Can't help but to admire my blog. I think it looks it's best now :)

Good or bad?

Many a times people think so much about the good and bad of something an ultimately draw conclusions based on some facts they got out of the net or something someone just happened to let them know. Well was thinking cause just asked Mike's brother to tapau maggi goreng. Here's the rationalization of some:

case1: One supper too many

Generally people will come up to you and say that supper is not good . It makes you fat and on top of that soon when you realised you've had one supper too many you'll be in for diseases or illnesses such as diabetes, high blood pressure etc.
Think about this and don't eat supper. Then you'll die the other way. Being depressed caused you've been thinking so much about supper. Picking up gastric on the way..and dying somehow. muahahahaha.

case 2: Oily food

Here's one I recall from having lunch with Jenny at v3 sometime ago. We all ordered chicken chop. Everyone's plate was empty by the time they were done but Jenny had all this chicken skin n such left on the plate. He said he didn't want to die of heart attack.
Well then I told him that if you're gonna die you're gonna die. Jenny says dying in an accident is much faster and painless. Well then again, I told him he might break his neck then someone will have to feed him through a tube in the neck. That's more painful I guess.

case 3: Supersavers

Not a big fan of financial savings. Anyways still think saving a little is just great. But still there are 'supersavers' who says i overspend and should cut down. If you took sometime to think long-sightedly you might see the world the way i see it. Haha.
Some people save cause they are afraid of getting some bad bad catastrophic thing happening in their lives which might call for huge sums of cash. Hmmm..I guess that's thee subconcious telling them and by the law of attraction... what your subconcious believes will happen does happen. Haha. So if you're saving for those reason..hmm... better save more.
People always say the more you give, the more you get. The more I give to the cashier, somehow the more i'll get back?

case 4: Sleeping 8 hours a day

Human beings are required to have 8 hours of sleep. Some people hold dear to this and do sleep at 8. Well you can but I recall a physics lecturer of mine from last year which said, you have 24 hours a day. I f you wish to live for a hundred years then do so. stop sleeping. Quite through. The average human being live for what..70 yrs? So if you sleep 8 hours a day means you're only living two thirds of your 70 years.

case 5: Why la so expensive?

Why did you 200 dollar shoe when you could have gotten the 50 dollar one? Again...think ! Haha. Let's say a shoe of 200 dollars last a year . And a 50 dollar one lasts 2 months... So the conclusion is?It's exactly like buying 5 small pringles instead of one big one which would end up being much much cheaper.

Case 6: Room cleanliness

My room is my room. That's why it should be however or messy I wish for it to be. The world has a amount of rubbish. Im just doing the world some good buy keeping some of the cleaner garbage here so that the rubbish dump doesn't get filled up too soon. But seriously, I don't see the point of having a superclean room. Kepping a room clean means more work to clean and such. But adirty room will also have a cosy feel for you but you need 10 times less work to make it that way. Hahahahahahaha
I think that's enough of brain food for some of you who might feel sad. In the future I hope I'll have more to crap about.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Last update: weeks ago

Current topics:UDCN , Moral project, Camp, Prom, General

Moral Project: Praise Girls Home in Ipoh. Went there to fulfill the moral course
requirements. The experience was fun. Playing with little kids who just don't
care bout anything but electronics. Though a kid or two maths using mandarin. Big improvement for me. Haha. Won't mind going again just for the fun of it.

UDCN: Universiti Teknologi Petronas Deepavali and Indian Cultural Night

Got to wear my Jeepa again. Was committee for the souvenir and prizes department. Lots if last minute work . Bad organization. I still can't get over the fact that HODS AND A
HODS certs are required by the PD to have ic number and everyone else no need. Well screw the PD. Printed my own with IC but I still don't like the fact he asked for that. Can't find where i ditched the pictures.

Camp: Geomatics survey camp in Ayer Tawar . Kampung Baru . 3 days 2 nights . Had fun. Missed the barbecue night though for prom.

Prom: Masquerade ball at the tower regency hotel. The hotel was nice. the prom was ok. everyone looked nice though. :)

General: So here's the new updates coming.Going to India on the 10-16th december. Landing in Kochi, Kerala and then going over to Tamilnadu. Under the Rotaract goodwill trip.

Then going for Greenday concert live in Singapore on the 14th January. Muahahahahaha.

Either than that, finals nearing. Its ending on the 24th November. Will be back in Kuching on the 26th November :)

No pictures for the moments due to the damn useless internet we have here. been trying to upload but it just fails!