Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Tired but not BEAT

In a world where the drama of electronic entertainment has reached a level so intensively extensive, exams still bugs everyone around . Seven subjects with five finals. One finals done four more to go. Enough witht he whining. Enough with the complaining. Everyone has to face the same thing now or then. Now it's time to focus and study. Never forget play never forget fun. 
Speaking of fun, my room mate, he who challenged virtually everyone facebook to get a hundred for his quiz by offering a lamb shank for he who gets hundred spark my human instinct to punce at the challenge. An easy challenge, by hook or by crook to get a 1005 for his quiz. And guess what, I was accused of cheating so I'm not getting any shanks!! I say this is a whole load of crap and I deserve one. The picture will clearly illustrate why I deserve a shank!! Click on it to zoom and get the bigger picture.

Being stressed out over the three finals which will ocme crashing in two days over no more than 24 hours starting on friday morning, armed with my preserverance and battle fury, i'm ready to take them on for a triple kill to fuel my kiling spree. By next Saturday I will be unstoppable. Well I'm typing like this cause in five minutes time, I will be playing a game of DOTA. Yi herng, the dota game clock, has come back from irc. The saying goes, when Yi herng is studying in the
 library, we study in room. When he comes back at twelve, dota after he showers. 

Quite a productive day I've had today. Underestimated my study capabilities I actually made some progress on the acadmic yard stick. Conquering some parts of DE and solving the mind puzzles of structured programming. Rising at nie, like a zombie from the dead, I took 
a shower and dropped dead on the bed. Never having the actual mood to enslave my brains to books and lecture slides so ealy in the morning.

Lunch, the ignition key for my day. A serving of fried chicken, beehon, sausages and nuggets. Actually came back to the room did some de before Michael invited me for a drink. Ended up ta pauing some food for people. Drinking two liong fan sui at ong huat. Then went over t
o tronoh for  'So-*hai*'s ' wheel. The wheel with a stand which I have been searching for so long. For your info, my hamsters are now names, so-c*hai, fei-c*hai, and ma-*hai. Too lazy
 to elaborate. Put the wheel and so-*hai in a shoe box. Actually looks nice.

Did more de when I got back. Then did some laundry which ended up in this, the window of underwears. 22 pairs!!!!

 Then here came diner. Some pork...haha. Then roti canai. Then came sp. If Yi Herng has unstoppable studies, then I must be having a beyond godlike streak of sp. covering fundamental data types to streams. Later after dota will plunge into the depths of mind boggling database systems. I hope the kau nescafe ice would drive me further than primax pet
rol drives a car. Fearing my mind would explode when studying toom much, i equipped myself  with proper equipment as you can see. 

Every now and then I had been interupted, but that's usual. The fun thing is I read bout a zipper dress, the iphone, mike and his idea to win a free iphone by doing a blogpost about mcd mcvalue meal, some illusion thingy and many other crap thingy. It was fun. Haha. Just finshed a game of dota. Haha.

Oh yeah, I forgot bout the laptop lock thing. Well a lock is hard to unlock until you find the key. Guess what? I locked my laptop and left the two keys forit right next to the laptop. Hahahaha. Of course nothing happened cause I'm still haha-ing.

Now sp streaks continues. Moving to database systems soon. Life's a bore!! Haha.


Unknown said...


Henry Yew said...

Hadoi.... the window of underwear... you guys just love to display your dirty.. I mean... clean linen for everyone to see, right?

Underwear also you take picture and put in blog! Wonderful lah you guys...

eva said...

how long has it been since u did ur laundry to accumulate 22 freaking pairs!?thought u send stuff to d laundry =)